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Birth Certificates


Birth Certificates

Estimated time for completion: 1 Week

Most personal records, legal documents and other applications require the submission of a birth certificate as proof. Obtaining this can be a long drawn-out procedure, especially if you are not sure on how to handle things. Have no worries, we’ll get it done for you.


Our streamlined process makes it completely hassle-free for you. Simply provide all the details to our team, and we will handle the rest and have the certificate delivered to you, as precious as a baby. And don’t worry about safety. At NRI Life, we maintain the highest level of client privacy and confidentiality till the very last step of the process, ensuring that all your information is safeguarded to the best of our capacity.

650Plus GST


Land Tharam mattal

Converting wetland to dry land, known as "tharam maatal" in some regions, typically involves a legal and administrative process in India due to environmental regulations aimed at preserving wetlands. The specific procedure can vary by locality, but generally involves a long, tedious procedure. Have no worries, our team at NRI Life, consisting of some of the best experts with years of experience in the matter, shall handle this for you, assuring your peace of mind abroad


  • nitial Assessment: We shall assist the landowner or developer to determine the feasibility of converting the wetland to dry land and assess the environmental impact of the proposed conversion.
  • Permissions and Clearances: Our team will guide you to obtain necessary permissions and clearances from local authorities, including the district collector, revenue department, and environmental regulatory bodies.
  • Application: After that, we will submit an application for conversion of land use, providing details of the proposed project, environmental impact assessment, and mitigation measures.
  • Public Notice: We’ll also help publish a public notice in local newspapers about the proposed land conversion, inviting objections or suggestions from the public.
  • Assessment by Authorities: The authorities will assess the application, conduct site inspections, and review the environmental impact assessment report. Based on the assessment, the authorities will decide whether to approve or reject the application for land conversion.
  • Conversion and Compliance: If approved, the land can be converted to dry land; we will ensure compliance with any conditions or mitigation measures specified by the authorities.
  • Registration: Once the conversion is completed, we will help register the new land use with the revenue department and update land records accordingly.


3000 Plus GST

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